Friday, April 9, 2010

Eames weekend cont'd

After the guided tour of the Eames house (outside only, the inside is not for the public) we are free to roam around the estate and shoot pictures. There is a lot to capture and the scenery is beautiful. What luck to able to spend a semester learning about these two fabulous designers, and to experience something as intimate as visiting their home. After this event, we visit the beach and brace ourselves for the long, rainy drive home.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Eames all day

Road trip!!!

Some classmates and I are driving down to Santa Monica to visit the office of Ray and Charles Eames and meet the legendary designers' grandson, Eames Demetrios. Our day trip starts early, 3:30 in the morning to be exact. I am the last stop before the freeway, so after Liz and the guys pick me up we'll began our trip.

We arrive in Santa Monica six hours later due to making good time on the freeway. We have many hours to kill before our evening event, so we grab a bite to eat and visit the beach.

Beautiful! what a nice change of weather from Sacramento's rain.

7pm rolls around and we make our way over to the Eames office. The party doesn't officially begin until 8 but, as excited as we all are, we wait patiently in our parked car, snapping pictures from across the street like a bunch of stalkers.

Finally! 8pm we're freezing from being outside and the Eames office is warm and inviting ... and has food! We nibble on hors d'Ĺ“uvre and peruse all of the neat displays.

Neat-o shirts for sale.

Photo ops for everybody.

We also got authentic screen-printed designs for only ten bucks a pop!

Us was there!

What a wonderful evening! Before driving back to Sacto, we are offered an invitation to visit the Eames house tomorrow morning. We are so there. We crash at my friend Sam's place for the night.