Monday, October 11, 2010

Touchdown 6:45am

Landed sleepy and bleary-eyed in New York this morning at a quarter to seven after an all-night flight. The sunrise was beautiful. The assault of the sudden cabin lights on my senses was not. After the pilot announced our arrival at JFK, I gathered my carry-ons and proceeded the mass exodus to baggage claim. On the way I managed to snap a quick pic (above) through the terminal window.

The hostel where I'm staying is much nicer than I thought it would be (which I am sure my Mom would be relieved to know). Its filled with international travelers, many of whom speak French. (FRENCH! Dare I test my abilities with these experts?? But if I'm left looking stupid, at least I tried, right?) The hostel has a mini cafe, a game room, an internet room (where I'm currently seated) and a reading room on the lobby floor. AND this place is only a 15min train ride from the design conference site ... sweet.

Ok, I'm off exploring now.

1 comment:

Mithy Pithy said...

Youth hostels are THE SHIT. I don't know why someone would pay to stay in a hotel when youth hostels are better and less expensive. (although, I got my cookies commandeered last time, stupid girl scouts). Anyway, We miss you and you're so lucky.

LOVE! Mithy.